We are Telecommunication Company working in Syria and Lebanon now. In Hama city our office and dealing with telecommunication Equipment Special For installation small digital Exchange , ISDN BAPX , ISDN TA and ISDN EQUIPMENTS -ADSL ROUTER G-SHDSL -PBX SYSTEMS GSM ROUTER, NETWORK SOLUTIONS Engineer
There are 9 workers in this company involved 4 Engineer , 2 technicians , 2 drivers and Secretary.
Employees: 9 employees
Export & import: yes
Sales territories Middle East
Most of the people had done many courses in siemens and Ericsson Training centers and has a good background about Switching-Network
The markets that we are interested to cover is the Syrian market
Syria - Hama - Abd Albakee Building
Phone: + 963 33 2473000
Mobile: + 963 988912250
P.O.Box 1005
Communications language: English